CyberInflight is proud to be a founding member of the EU Space ISAC

CyberInflight is thankful to the new EU Space Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (ISAC), and along with the other founding members. CyberInflight aims to keep raising awareness in the space cybersecurity field and enhancing the resilience of the European space systems and services.

The EU Space ISAC is a network of EU companies from the space sector who are willing to develop their expertise to better prevent, tackle and mitigate security-related challenges, including cybersecurity. The initiative was specifically designed to promote collaboration, raise awareness, share information and best practices among members to strengthen their resilience and protection against security threats.

The EU Space ISAC held its inaugural Board Meeting on 24 April 2024. Co-chaired by the European Commission and EUSPA, the EU Space ISAC Board consists of 12 founding members representing both large industrial groups and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) from France, Germany, Italy and Spain.