Strengthening Satellite Cybersecurity with the Space Force Space Development Agency

The Space Development Agency (SDA) of the Space Force is making significant progress in enhancing cybersecurity applied to the space domain. The SDA has entrusted SAIC with the task of developing and maintaining a cloud-based “application factory.” This platform will be responsible for designing, developing, testing, and deploying “cyber-resilient” battle management, command, and control communications (BMC3) software for upcoming low Earth orbit satellites.

SAIC’s application factory will serve as a central hub for testing and deploying mission-specific software, ensuring interoperability within a modular framework. This innovative approach will even enable satellite upgrades in orbit, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity in space operations.

SAIC’s work does not stop there. They will develop “compute modules” for the BMC3 hashtag#software, ensuring that satellites can exchange information amongst themselves and, most importantly, with ground operators. The software environment of the application factory will be used to develop these modules and verify their functionality.

The SDA contract, valued at up to $64 million over four years, mandates that SAIC will develop, implement, and maintain the hashtag#architecture and infrastructure necessary to create a “clearing house” for other contractors who are developing mission-specific applications.

The emphasis on cybersecurity by the SDA and SAIC not only strengthens the safety of space systems but also reinforces resilience of hashtag#space infrastructures against #cyber_threats.