Quarterly Digest Service
The “CyberInflight’s Quarterly Digest”, in the same vein as the yearly report, will bring a thorough and analytical approach of the market, identifying the latest trends, describing the most recent cyberattacks, and summarizing the essential and strategic information necessary for better decision making.
Each quarter the focus will be set on a specific topic according to the recommendations made in through this email address:
Customer gets access to each already published Quarterly Digest when registering to the service.

Q3 2020: Regulatory landscape
I. Regulatory framework
- ICAO’s Cybersecurity Strategy
- ICAO’s Assembly Resolution A40-10
- IATA’s Aviation Cyber Security Position Paper
- IATA’s Compilation of Cyber Security Regulations, Standards, and Guidance
- Takeaways on the current regulatory framework
- Takeaways on the current regulatory framework
II. Threat Intelligence
- Noticeable facts for Q3 2020 (1/3)(2/3))(3/3)
III. Food for thoughts

Q2 2020: Dark Web
- Introduction
- A dive in the Dark Web
- Its users
- Its usage
- Recent soar of blogs leaking corporate data
- Operating mode of ransomware groups
- Examples of ransomware groups communications
- Aerospace related information on the Dark Web
- Noticeable facts for Q2 2020 (1/2)
- Noticeable facts for Q2 2020 (2/2)
- Creation of a Principal-Agent problem

Q1 2020: Cyber-Insurance
- Introduction
- Chronology of cyber-insurance
- Defining the cyber-risk
- Stakeholders and their influence
- Link between turnover and exposure
- Link between turnover and attack motive
- Miscellaneous
- Must reads on cyber insurance
III. Food for thoughts:
- Systemic cyber attack scenario

Quarterly Digest Service
1 year registration
Publication date: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
Public price:
User licence: €800*
Enterprise licence: €1,500*
Report in PDF format with supporting files
Each quarter is about 15 pages long.
* Prices are quoted in euros
* VAT not applicable, art. 293B of the CGI